0.5 Continuing Education Units

0.5 Continuing Education Units
Mississippi State-Continuing Education offers a variety of teacher professional development courses developed by MSU's faculty, staff and industry experts to address trending topics in K-12 education.

Open-enrollment means you can start at any time! Course access information is emailed immediately upon enrollment. These self-paced courses can be completed entirely online at your convenience in as little as 5 hours and earn you 0.5 CEUs.

To be awarded the 0.5 CEUs, students must complete all coursework and pass a final exam with a minimum score of 70% in addition to spending a minimum of 5 hours in the course. CEU certificates will be issued electronically to your account within 3 business days upon successful completion. Hours will be verified prior to a certificate being issued. Registrants will have up to 12 weeks of course access.

To register for a course, click "Enroll". Each course is $55.00 and includes a CEU certificate upon successful completion. *Refund requests must be made within 5 days of course access.

For questions or assistance contact Amber Shultice at ams257@msstate.edu or call 662-325-1457.

ADHD in the Classroom (0.5 CEUs)
The five lessons presented in this course are designed to bring awareness to educators and assist educators in understanding how to effectively support a child with ADHD in the classroom.

Best Practices for Teaching Online Part 1 (0.5 CEUs)
This course is the first of two courses that introduce best practices for online instruction. Concentrating on skills and practices that will equip teachers to provide and realize a positive experience teaching online. Topics include an overview of online pedagogy, online teacher skills, teacher presence, communication and interaction, and setting clear expectations.

Best Practices for Teaching Online Part 2 (0.5 CEUs)
This course expands on the best practices for online instruction by exploring online course design and delivery. Topics include asynchronous and synchronous delivery, instructional activities and assessments, course organization, accessibility and learner support, technology and educational resources.

Classroom Management Basics (0.5 CEUs)
Good classroom management is the cornerstone to effective instruction at any grade level. Although managing a classroom well can be a daunting task, it can be accomplished with a few basic principles. This course will help you begin to think about some key components of effective classroom management - classroom arrangement, rules, procedures, positive reinforcement, and consequences.

Creating a Positive Classroom Environment (0.5 CEUs)
Imagine a classroom in which all the students feel safe, valued and supported. A classroom in which both students and teacher can't wait to get into each day. You can have this classroom by purposefully cultivating a positive classroom environment. The lessons in this course will help you create a positive classroom environment that will promote greater social emotional and academic learning.

Integrating 21st Century Skills (0.5 CEUs)
As today’s education has been revolutionized, educators must exhibit characteristics of a 21st century teacher to revolution their methods for teaching and reaching their students. This course will broaden your perspective of 21st century skills students need for success, characteristics of a 21st century teacher, and ways to cultivate 21st century skills in your classroom. This course includes many supplemental resources that can be implemented in your classroom.

Intro to AI (0.5 CEUs)
This course encompasses a variety of artificial intelligence forms, examining consumer interactions with AI in everyday life. It explores deep learning, machine learning, and robotics within the realm of AI. The curriculum also delves into the AI development process, its real-world implications, and the ethical considerations linked to the deployment of AI.

Intro to Virtual Reality (0.5 CEUs)
This course provides students with a foundational understanding of the exciting world of virtual reality. In this course, students will learn the principles, technologies, and applications that underpin VR, a rapidly evolving field that blends cutting-edge technology.

Learning About Dyslexia (0.5 CEUs)
Dyslexia awareness is increasing as more research is being conducted. The learning disability can cause difficulty in school and overshadow the strengths and abilities of the individual in the classroom if teachers are not knowledgeable about the disability. Many people with dyslexia have accomplished great things and are very intelligent. This course will help educators learn more about dyslexia so they can meet the needs of students with dyslexia.

Organizing=Optimizing (0.5 CEUs)
Teachers are constantly juggling what feels like an endless and everchanging list of demands from students, parents, and administration. At times it feels like just staying afloat is an accomplishment! The key to not only keeping your head above water, but optimizing your teaching environment, is organization. This course will provide simple, practical methods for creating and maintaining an organized classroom. The goal is to help you create a system that works specifically for you and your students.

Parental Involvement (0.5 CEUs)
This course discusses parental involvement in education and the results from a recent study conducted by Learning Heroes. You will gain insight about common misconceptions among parents/educators while learning many ideas and tangible approaches teachers can implement in their classrooms that can lead to more parental involvement and support at home. This course includes many supplemental resources and technology tools/apps for increasing parental involvement.

Safety First! Part 1 (0.5 CEUs)
Explore different injuries and illnesses that may require first aid and/or CPR.  Explore legal concepts, first aid equipment, PPR, assessment and emotional responses to emergencies, and CPR/AED and choking.
*This course should not be used as a substitute for live training. In order to become certified in First Aid and/or CPR, you must demonstrate the skills you have learned to your instructor in order to illustrate your knowledge in that area.

Safety First! Part 2 (0.5 CEUs)
Take a deeper look at medical emergencies and learn ways to offer assistance in a variety of situations.  Explore what to do when there are signs of shock, heart attack, stroke, seizure, etc.
*This course should not be used as a substitute for live training. In order to become certified in First Aid and/or CPR, you must demonstrate the skills you have learned to your instructor in order to illustrate your knowledge in that area.

Scaffolding for the Elementary Classroom (0.5 CEUs)
The five lessons presented in this course are designed to assist educators in being able to reach the needs of each child in the classroom by presenting an overview of how to scaffold lessons and or assignments to meet those needs.

What Successful Teachers Do (0.5 CEUs)
What makes teachers successful? Is the success contingent upon strategies, research, theories, or classroom applications? Glasgow and Hicks, authors of What SUCCESSFUL Teachers DO, has compiled a resource with 91 research-based classroom strategies for new and veteran teachers. The strategies combine theory and research to revitalize the classroom and the careers of novice and veteran teachers. This module will discuss several strategies from the book